03.02. - 17.03.2018
feat. works by
Tamina Amadyar
Max Brand
Leon Eisermann
Octavio Garabello
Hanna-Maria Hammari
Lisa Holzer
Jonas Lipps
Jose Montealegre
Davide Zucco
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installation view
installation view
installation view
Leon Eisermann
Tales from an Ibis Bathtub
oil on canvas, 110 x 100 cm
Davide Zucco
Sharp increase in wind speed
oil, acrylic, spray, varnish, wood, aluminum foil, burns, foam mounted on MDF panel, 125 x 179,5 cm
José Montealegre
Life in the Tropics
ceramic tile, cement, paperclay, metal wire, copper wire, ceramic jarrón, copper jarrón, 40 x 60 x 50 cm
Jonas Lipps
Untitled (04-07-15)
ink on paper, framed, 20,6 x 29,5 cm
Courtesy the artist and Helga Maria Klosterfelde Edition, Berlin
Jonas Lipps
Untitled (070905)
pencil and watercolor on paper, 28,9 x 20,5 cm
Courtesy the artist and Helga Maria Klosterfelde Edition, Berlin
Jonas Lipps
Chez Luigi (09-03-15) 2015
Water color, casein and pencil on paper, framed, 25.0 x 16.0 cm
Courtesy the artist and Helga Maria Klosterfelde Edition, Berlin
installation view of
Hanna-Maria Hammari
Pack of Wolves
Steel, chickenwire, fake fur, variable dimension
installation view
Davide Zucco
Struggle to meet the Sun
oil, pigment, spray, varnish, graphite, wood, aluminum foil, burns, foam mounted on MDF panel, 60 x 40,5 cm
Octavio Garabello
The Jump
Pigments, Dispersion K9, unprimed cotton, artist frame, 180 x 130 cm
José Montealegre
Movement in the Nightclouds
ceramic tile, cement, unburned clay, clay, paperclay, metal wire, 50 x 35 x 50 cm
Max Brand
Mixed media on paper, framed, 23,5 x 32,5 cm
Tamina Amadyar
pigment, Glutin on canvas, 145 x 115 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Berlin
Foto: Roman März